Every year I enjoy carving designs on pumpkins with my children, and the designs tend to get a bit elaborate, which takes me ages to cut out now as I have an autoimmune condition that causes pain and stiffness in my hands- but I enjoy it and am prepared to suffer for days after for my pumpkin art! A sharp knife, some wrist supports, lots of breaks and a TENS machine, plus a wax hand bath for afterwards- nothing can stop me! 🙂
It’s lots of fun though, and I’m intending to pick up some pumpkins to carve this weekend for the showroom display! My youngest usually loses interest in scooping out the guts and cutting anything intricate, although he is my assistant to help- he often presents me with a picture he wants ME to cut out- which has ranged from a scary face to obscure characters, much like his gingerbread house requests at Christmas- to which I drew the line at a 3-bed 1930’s semi with garage request out of gingerbread, as much as I love making miniatures and models… something simpler is sometimes better (and less crumbly!).
Here’s 2023’s pumpkin designs…